This tool developed in the chronoroborics laboratory will advise you when to go to public places to meet as few people as possible. The khalifa university hosts the mohamed bin zayed international robotics challenge mbzirc in abu dhabi from 2325 february. Hot news our aipowered app fremen adviser is finally out. It centre svti ctu faculty of electrical engineering. Avoid regularly crowded shops, parks and playgrounds and lower the risk. Www pages for new study program at ctu in prague, faculty of electrical engineering. Casovy plan akademickeho roku 20192020 fel cvut cvut. Benchmark on image registration methods with landmark validations. Required items are marked with orange, required elective subjects are blue and optionals gray. Students ctu faculty of electrical engineering cvut. Czech branch of siemens appreciates the work and projects in the field of technical and natural sciences in four categories. Multirobot systems mrs group at department of cybernetics, czech technical university in prague integrates various research disciplines required for design, implementation, experimental evaluation, and application of complex robotic systems.
The department of circuit theory is a part of the faculty of electrical engineering fee, one of seven faculties of the czech technical university ctu in prague. Developed and provided by computing and information centre. This publication communication reflects the views only of the author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The term engineering is generally understood to be a systematic application of scientific knowledge during the design and production of solution of practical problems at an effective price. Vsichni pracovnici a studenti fel jsou povinni sledovat aktualni informace na teto strance. Casovy plan akademickeho roku 20152016 fel cvut cvut. Harmonogram skolniho roku otevrena informatika fel cvut. Research streams followed by mrs group members include motion and trajectory planning, locomotion generation, control, communication. The ctu archive is one of the largest university archives in the czech republic. Zimni semestr v souladu s nazorem as fel zacina lichym tydnem podle oficialniho planovaciho kalendare pozor. Welcome to the web presentation of the biomedical electronics group. Ninjac online web calculator partially created as the student project for y35van course.
Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. The structure of bachelors programme cybernetics and robotics. Our group is a part of the department of circuit theory of the faculty of electrical engineering at czech technical university in prague. We will teach you to understand, use and design current telecommunication technologies ands systems of the future take advantage of our courses in bachelor, master and doctoral studies expand your knowledge in training and courses led by our experts who successfully combine theory with practice our knowledge and research potential in. Students do not have to apply for accommodation scholarship. Email server every student and employee has an email address in the fel. Kos, fis, fes, v3s or other university systems not working. As ctus specialized archive it maintains the universitys archival heritage, from which scholars can study its history.
Casovy plan akademickeho roku 20172018 fel cvut cvut. Links to several pages considering international collegiate programming contest. The study program in communication, multimedia and electronics supports the graduates in their application and needful uniformity at the labor market. Sensors, measurement systems, videometry, magnetics, metrology, automotive electronics, distributed and embedded systems, space and airborne systems. Za ucast na kurzu athens nejsou na cvut pridelovany kredity. Oba semestry v souladu s nazorem as fel zacinaji sudym tydnem podle oficialniho planovaciho kalendare pozor. Detection, rectification, and segmentation of coplanar. Accommodation scholarship accommodation scholarship eligibility verification. Established in 1964, the department of computer science and engineering was the first university department with computer science degree program established in the czech republic. Strojirenstvi je perspektivni obor, ktery ma jak v ceske republice tak v evropske unii budoucnost. Telemedicine, telemonitoring, data acquisition and signal. Casovy plan akademickeho roku 20202021 fel cvut cvut.
Casovy plan akademickeho roku 20182019 fel cvut cvut. A detailed step by step procedure is provided in the text below. Department of measurement research and teaching in. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. The traffic in the future, when the cities become smart intelligent, should be optimized for speed, traffic jams, parking places, less nature environment damaging and many others attributes. Services ctu faculty of electrical engineering cvut. When developing electronics, we need to show some signals or generate waveforms almost every day. V pripade potreby bude upraven harmonogram skolniho roku.
This project has been funded with support from the european commission. Regulations, policies our services have rules and conditions that must be followed. The following table chart shows the courses in individual semesters of the undergraduate course. Cvut fakulta elektrotechnicka casovy plan akademickeho roku 202014. Mikroprocesory, audiovizualni technika, komunikacni site a internet, mobilni komunikace, internet veci, fotonika nebo radiove systemy. Please have your transcripts of prior studies and personal papers, data ready. Krome odborniku z fel cvut jsou v teto aktivite zapojene firmy y soft a. Harmonogram skolniho roku obsah informace pro nove studenty harmonogram skolniho roku bakalarske prace, projekty a szz diplomove prace, projekty a szz studium v zahranici stipendia dulezite odkazy studentsky klub diskuzni forum. Our lab is equipped with hardware and software for emulation of cellular networks. The emulation is based on a software platform openairinterface oai, developed by the openairinterface software alliance, where ctu in prague is a member. Welcome to the webpage about educational platform leo.
Vypsani temat disertacnich praci na akademicky rok 20192020 do 31. The department was founded in 1970 with the aim of concentrating and new profiling a common base of circuit theory teaching for all the weakcurrent branches of study. It is the duty of all to read the emails sent to this official address and to communicate within ctu exclusively from this address. Click on the name of a compulsory course to open a detailed description on the faculty website. Graduate students of the spacemaster round 11 study program will receive their academical degree during this graduation event. The round 11 closing ceremony will be held on friday, october, 27 at 5 p. Podrobne informace k casovemu planu vyuky a zkouskoveho obdobi zimniho a letniho semestru, konani statnich zaverecnych zkousek atp. Archive public web czech technical university in prague. Please read all directions on the appropriate faculty web pages carefully, especially those concerning the attachments required for your application to ctu.